Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Naptime Upcycle

I love to shop.  What girl doesn't.  However, when you're on a budget, shopping is not the answer.  I have been cleaning out the closets of our house and I recently donated a ton of clothing that no longer fits or I no longer wear.  When cleaning out your clothing closet, it can look a bit bare and I wanted something new. 

When I finally convinced my husband to get rid of some of his clothing that was taking up space, he reluctantly handed me 5 shirts.  4 out of 5 had a hole in it.  I couldn't donate clothing with holes!  So, faced with a dilema, and 2 hours of free time while Ruby napped, I decided to upcycle these holy shirts. 

I have never upcycled a man's shirt before, so I figured it out as I went along.



I love the length of this tank.  I have a long torso, so most shirts are too short. 

All I did was cut the top off right below the collar.  Then I turned it inside out and sewed straight up from then inside seam.  Cut off the extra(sleeves.)  Then I made a casing for the elastic.  It started out as a tube top.  I used the collar and the left over sleeves to make the straps.  I think  with the next one I'll make a tutorial. 

:) Megan

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