Thursday, June 21, 2012

Favorite dress

I am not always motivated to be creative.  There are times life gets in the way and the creative juices just aren't flowing.  However, when they start its hard to contain them.  Sometimes I find a pattern or think of a project and then I find the material to go with it, and sometimes I find the material first and it "speaks" to me.  I know, sounds silly, but its true.  This project was one of those times.  I have been to Hancock fabric so many times looking for the right material at the right price.  I often don't find what I'm looking for, but, one Saturday afternoon, I walked in and there on the discount fabric table sat the most beautful blue and white stripped fabric.  It was exactly what I was looking for.  I didn't know I was looking for it until I saw it there.  At $2 a yard, I could not say no.  I immediately started imagining all the things I could do with 3 yards (that's all that was left.) 

I thought of the things in my closet and what I could use for different occasions.  A dress that can be both casual and dressed up is a staple in any woman's closet.  That go to dress that will look great even if you're feeling a bit bloated and not yourself. 

The glorious fabric!

I measured one of my most comfortable t-shirts.  You know, the one you think of when you think, "comfort."

I cut two pieces longer that the t-shirt of course.  Front and back. I extended the length 20' just to be safe.  It was about 4 inches longer than I wanted it.


I love pockets.

I know, it's probably not what you were thinking based on my story, but, its MY perfect dress.

Comfortable and versatile.

Thanks for reading my blog,

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Naptime Upcycle

I love to shop.  What girl doesn't.  However, when you're on a budget, shopping is not the answer.  I have been cleaning out the closets of our house and I recently donated a ton of clothing that no longer fits or I no longer wear.  When cleaning out your clothing closet, it can look a bit bare and I wanted something new. 

When I finally convinced my husband to get rid of some of his clothing that was taking up space, he reluctantly handed me 5 shirts.  4 out of 5 had a hole in it.  I couldn't donate clothing with holes!  So, faced with a dilema, and 2 hours of free time while Ruby napped, I decided to upcycle these holy shirts. 

I have never upcycled a man's shirt before, so I figured it out as I went along.



I love the length of this tank.  I have a long torso, so most shirts are too short. 

All I did was cut the top off right below the collar.  Then I turned it inside out and sewed straight up from then inside seam.  Cut off the extra(sleeves.)  Then I made a casing for the elastic.  It started out as a tube top.  I used the collar and the left over sleeves to make the straps.  I think  with the next one I'll make a tutorial. 

:) Megan

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Layer dress and tights

It is difficult to find tights that are cute and fun for babies.  Oh sure, they have solid colors and some with a "shoe," but where are the tights with stripes and polka dots?  Nowhere.  So, when I set out to make a pair for Ruby, I decided to make a dress as well.  We all know you can't have cute tights without a cute dress to wear the with and you can'e have a cute dress without cute tights. 

This is the product of my frustration with the clothing industry.....

That last picture, because I love that smile!
